How Supplements Support A Sober or Sober-Curious Journey

Supplements are somewhat of a controversial topic.

So today, I want to take you through my thoughts around using supplements, and share some of my top recommendations if you're sober or sober-curious and looking to...

✨ Feel more energy

✨ Improve mood

✨ Reduce anxiety

✨ Eliminate cravings

✨ Balance hormones

✨ Cope with stress

✨ Improve your metabolism

If you said YES to any of the above... keep reading!


👍🏻 You may be someone who already takes supplements...

You are interested in learning and reading about them, and maybe even feel quite confident about them. Maybe you get hooked into the "next best thing" you see online or on social media.

And maybe you're wondering if they're even working or if you should keep taking them. It can be super confusing to know if what you're taking is right for you!


👎🏻 Or, you might be a skeptic...

You've heard that they don't do much, or you've been told by a doctor (or an instagram video) that you don't need to supplement.

You may have even tried them before and haven't experienced any benefit from taking them. It can be tough to know if they're even working!


Both of these points of view are valid... Let me explain:

As a doctor of nutrition, much of my 15 years of training has been on how to use supplements effectively. Supplements have been a huge passion of mine, because when the right supplements are used, amazing things can happen!

That's why when I embarked on understanding everything I could on how to use nutrition to heal and support a sober or sober-curious journey, supplements were one of my key areas of research.

So today, I want to share with you why I believe that supplements can make or break your alcohol-free journey.


The Supplement Paradox

You learn about a new supplement that can have the potential to give you ALL the benefits you've been looking for -- energy, better mood, better skin, and the perfect body.

You start taking them thinking they're the "magic pill". But a month later, you don't feel any different. So you chalk it up to another misleading claim and toss them in the trash.


But how could something so good do nothing?

Here's the thing: supplements are tricky. In today's society, there are a lot of "junk" supplements on the market. And because the supplement claims are not well regulated, there is a lot of marketing that overpromises and under delivers.

There are many products with cheap, inactive ingredients. There are also many proprietary blended supplements that miss the mark on addressing the right dosages.

But just because a supplement hasn't worked for you in the past doesn't mean that it isn't worth using.

In fact, I want to share with you some of the supplements that I have seen most effectively support my clients.

These are supplements you can purchase at your local health food store or Whole Foods. But, you do want to seek out high-quality brands, so make sure to look for products that offer third-party testing or a quality seal of approval.


Here are some of my top recommended supplements if you're sober or sober-curious and want the benefits I mentioned above:

💡 A Methylated B-Complex: Sometimes known as an "Active B Complex", these vitamins are key for energy production and healthy mood. They're also depleted with chronic alcohol use, so they're important to replenish when you embark on going alcohol-free.

💡 Magnesium Glycinate: Magnesium is the body's relaxing mineral, and about 70% or more of us are deficient. If we're deficient (hint: alcohol lowers our stores of it), we have a difficult time relaxing. This means we might look to other things (hint: alcohol) to help with relaxation. I recommend taking 300-500mg before bed for best results.

💡 Rhodiola: This is one of my favorite adaptogenic herbs that helps to combat stress and anxiety. Rhodiola is highly energizing and is great to take to boost morning energy and focus. I recommend 200-400mg per day.

💡 L-Theanine: I recommend L-theanine to every client of mine who experiences anxiety. This amino acid can help stop anxiety in its tracks, combat cravings for sugar and alcohol, and also enhance relaxation. I recommend taking it in the afternoon if you're especially triggered with stress and cravings around 5pm. Start with 100-200mg.

While these are great supplements to try, I understand if you're still a bit confused or skeptical.

But if you're struggling on sticking to your goals, or are struggling to feel the benefits of going alcohol-free... these supplements can make or break your success.


Because supplements are so tricky to navigate, I have created custom supplement kits designed with the sober and sober-curious in mind.

We've just launched new supplement plans on Fullscript, an online supplement shop where you can get 19% off all of my favorites (like the ones listed above)!

Click here to shop supplements >>


And hey, if you want to learn more about supplements, nutrients and foods that can help support your alcohol-free journey, check out my online course The Functional Sobriety Academy where I walk you through developing a nutrition and supplement plan to support you (and even offer testing to identify nutrient deficiencies). 

I hope this helped clear up some questions and give you a few ideas of how to support your alcohol-free journey with an extra boost!



Are you looking for support to stay alcohol-free?

Learn more about gaining support on your alcohol-free and health goals. Join our members-only community, enroll in our self-guided course, or get supplements to lower cravings and improve your energy and mood.


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